Hot in the City

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Содержание книги - Hot in the City Samantha Hunter

Hot in the City - описание и краткое содержание, автор Samantha Hunter, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The proof of her desire…Mathematician Della Clark just met the most gorgeous man on a plane. According to her calculations, the odds of meeting Mr. Perfectly Hot are approximately 1 in 285,000. Gabe Ross is an unexpected variable. Handsome, smart and unusually interested? Yes, Della has definitely improved her odds…Except that Gabe Ross isn't his real name. He works for the Department of Homeland Security, and Della is a part–a very distracting one–of an investigation into a critical security breach. Gabe tells himself that their affair is vital for the investigation. That he can remain objective. But mostly, he lies to himself…to hide the fact that he may be falling for the right woman at the wrong time.

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