Talking in Your Sleep...

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Содержание книги - Talking in Your Sleep... Samantha Hunter

Talking in Your Sleep... - описание и краткое содержание, автор Samantha Hunter, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Get out of my dreams, get into my bed!"Oh, that's so good…touch me right there…" The X-rated monologues coming from next door are keeping Rafe Moore up at night–all he really wants is some sleep. How's he supposed to decompress from his EMT job when his sultry neighbor and her explicit fantasies have his blood pressure spiking?Tightly wound Joy Clarke can't explain what's brought on these sizzling «somniloquies»–about a complete stranger, no less. She's already stressed, and there is no rest from her wicked, wicked thoughts. But when Rafe discovers that the object of all that steamy sleep-talk is him, he's set to make her dreams come true. Problem is, in the light of day Joy doesn't recall a thing!

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