Once Upon A Tiara: Once Upon A Tiara / Henry Ever After

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Содержание книги - Once Upon A Tiara: Once Upon A Tiara / Henry Ever After Carrie Alexander

Once Upon A Tiara: Once Upon A Tiara / Henry Ever After - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carrie Alexander, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

A rip-roaring royal romp!Once Upon a Tiara by Carrie AlexanderRed-Hot RoyalsPrincess Lili Brunner can't wait to be all-American while at a museum opening in the U.S. Although she does have some royal duties to attend to, they aren't that important. But instead of falling for hot dogs and cotton candy, Lili's more intrigued by museum curator Simon Tremayne. She knows there's more to this frog than meets the eye. Could a kiss from a princess awaken the prince beneath…?Henry Ever After by Carrie AlexanderRed-Hot RoyalsBlue Cloud, Pennsylvania, is a nice quiet town, and Sheriff Henry Russell likes it that way. Unfortunately it's much easier keeping the peace when he doesn't have a tempting Gypsy named Jana stirring the pot. With a set of crown jewels in town, Henry needs to stay on his toes. But how can he expect Jana to keep her hands off the jewels when he can't keep his hands off her!

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