A Ready-Made Family

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Содержание книги - A Ready-Made Family Carrie Alexander

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She' s a day late and a dollar short…Lia Howard Pogue is flat broke and on the run. Her only hope for a new start is to rely on the kindness of strangers. One in particular–the rough and tough ex-Army Ranger who' s all hard muscle and soft heart.Jake Robbin is more than ready to put his wild youth behind him and settle down. If only he could skip the hassle of courtship and babies and messy emotions. What better time for Lia and her three kids to land on his doorstep!Seems marriage would solve both their problems. Until Lia' s ex shows up…and reminds her she could be making the same mistake all over again.NORTH COUNTRY STORIESThis isn' t the end of the earth, but you can see it from here.Welcome back to Alouette, Michigan, the wonderful setting for Carrie Alexander' s RITA© Award-nominated story, A Family Christmas

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