Betting on Texas

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Содержание книги - Betting on Texas Amanda Renee

Betting on Texas - описание и краткое содержание, автор Amanda Renee, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

More Than The Ranch At StakeWhen Miranda Archer bought Double Trouble Ranch, sight unseen, she was eager to leave city life behind and start fresh in the Texas Hill Country. But the property came with some unexpected extras: a few cattle, a couple of horses…and one surly cowboy. From the minute Jesse Langtry first laid eyes on Miranda, she captured his heart. Beautiful, and determined, Miranda is everything Jesse wants in a woman.There’s just one little hitch. Jesse’s dream girl just stole his ranch! Sure that rural life will be too much for Miranda, Jesse bets her that she won’t last a month at Double Trouble. If he wins, she’ll sell him the land—if she wins, he’ll leave for good. Pushing each other away seems to bring them closer—and that’s where the real trouble begins!

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