The Lawman's Rebel Bride

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Содержание книги - The Lawman's Rebel Bride Amanda Renee

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SECOND-CHANCE WEDDING… Deputy Sheriff Harlan Slade owes Belle Barnes a wedding, and she's ready to collect. The divorced single dad left Belle at the altar years ago. Now, for the sake of Belle's ailing grandmother, he agrees to temporarily tie the knot. Their faux union quickly feels all too real, but Harlan must protect his young daughter's feelings and his own bruised heart.Belle's passion for rescuing animals means frequent run-ins with the law. But she promises Harlan she'll stay out of trouble – except for the kind she finds with him when old sparks fly. It seems Belle and Harlan's short-term family has a future, until someone from their past threatens it all. Will Belle's impulsive streak cost her the first real family she's ever known?

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