Wicked Games

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Содержание книги - Wicked Games Alison Kent

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gIRL-gEAR VP Kinsey Gray is not happy to hear Doug Storey is moving to Denver. She and the sexy architect have a bit of a history, but Kinsey was never quite sure how she felt about him.Now that he's leaving, it's time she made up her mind. With the help of a three-step plan to seduce Doug, Kinsey's positive she'll persuade him to stay. The wicked games she has planned will knock more than his socks off!Doug's more than a bit surprised when Kinsey tells him she wants him to stay in Houston. Ever since their sexual escapades in Coconut Caye last year, he and Kinsey have kept things casual. While she certainly turns him on, he's not sure what they have is enough to keep him around. Of course, when he finds out Kinsey's up for grabs at a charity bachelorette auction, he's gonna make sure he's the only one tasting Kinsey's wares!

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