The Rancher's Bride

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Содержание книги - The Rancher's Bride Pamela Britton

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Small towns, cowboys and contemporary romance, the all – American way!Here Comes The Bride!Rude with a bad attitude–that’s Ryan Clayborne all right. From the moment she meets her new boss’s son, Jorie Peters vows to spend as little time as possible with the surly rancher. That she has to plan his wedding? Well, that’s just bad luck. The sparks shooting between them? Those are a Texas-sized disaster.The last thing Ryan needs is some big city wedding coordinator stomping her high heels all over his ranch. He has bigger things on his mind—mainly a temporary marriage to a friend he doesn’t love. But one look at Jorie turns the cowboy’s life, and heart, upside down.Heated thoughts lead to cold feet, but Ryan’s still determined to do the honorable thing. Even if doing right has never felt so wrong….

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