The Unlawfully Wedded Princess

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Mercenary to Marry Lady Monarch…Again!Seems King Easton can't select his successor to the throne without skeletons parading from the Carradigne penthouse closet! The King's granddaughter, do-good Princess Amelia, secretly married Nicholas Standish under an assumed identity so the rugged mercenary's ragamuffin wards could officially become family. But sources say the convenient nuptials were never consummated, making Amelia a virgin bride and her sexy soldier a single dad in danger of losing his adopted duo. A remarriage is rumored to be monitored by the King himself! This time 'round, will desire blaze between the debutante and her dark knight?Get all the facts inside…as a search for an heir to the throne leads to scandals of royal proportions for the Carradignes: American Royalty

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