One Stubborn Texan

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Содержание книги - One Stubborn Texan Kara Lennox

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The town of Linhart had never seen a sophisticated beauty like Sydney Baines, and Russ Klein suspected that whatever had brought the long-legged detective all the way to the Texas Hill Country couldn't be good.And he was right– years of weaning his mother away from Las Vegas's high rollers would be wasted and her gambling addiction would be back in full swing once Sydney's news about his long-lost inheritance got out. At first the big-city sleuth didn't believe it.The harder she pushed the stubborn Texan to take the money, the harder he resisted. Could she pass up the finder's fee her family desperately needed so the charming backwoods adventurer could keep his secret? Because it looked as if botching her assignment was the only way she could catch her man…

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