The third book of The Crucible, the exciting historical fantasy series from the author of the popular Axis Trilogy.The crises enveloping Europe begin to alter the mentality of the world. People are no longer content with their lot in life; they have grown ambitious and disruptive. The Church is losing its grip, not only are the heresies raging out of control, but more and more priests are speaking out against the Roman Church… the order of the world is dissolving into chaos.Neville faces his own crisis as he begins to question his faith. Inflitrating many social circles, gathering information for the Church, he meets the heretic priest John Wycliffe and the peasant rebel Wat Tyler. He suspects strongly that they are shapeshifting demons… yet he cannot help but agree with their criticisms of the traditional structures of society and of the Church itself.Neville does not know it, but his soul has become the ultimate battleground. The choices he makes will dictate the final outcome of the battle between the forces of good, and those of evil.
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Автор | Виктор Власов |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Историческое фэнтези |
Год | 2013 |
Автор | Сергей Серобабин |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Попаданцы, Историческое фэнтези, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Светослов |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Историческое фэнтези |
Автор | Андрей Максимушкин |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Боевая фантастика, Фантастика, Историческое фэнтези, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Год | 2012 |
Автор | Надежда Попова |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Триллер, Детективная фантастика, Историческое фэнтези, Детектив Боевик Триллер |
Год | 2014 |
Автор | Маргарита Бурсевич |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Юмористическое фэнтези, Попаданцы, Фантастика, Историческое фэнтези, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Год | 2013 |