His Little Miracle: The Billionaire's Baby

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Содержание книги - His Little Miracle: The Billionaire's Baby Nicola Marsh, Shirley Jump, Victoria Pade

His Little Miracle: The Billionaire's Baby - описание и краткое содержание, автор Nicola Marsh, Shirley Jump, Victoria Pade, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

The Billionaire’s BabyBillionaire Blane Andrews has come to win back his wife. He’d walked away from Cam, believing he wasn’t good enough, but now he wants the one thing money can’t buy: Cam and a baby!Doorstep DaddyWriter Dalton Scott demands solitude – not a crying baby on his doorstep! Though absolutely out of his depth, he’s amazed that he’s a natural. Then beautiful single mum Ellie arrives and Dalton realises he could start a whole new chapter…Baby Be MineWhen Chicago sophisticate Clair went to claim custody of her orphaned nephew, she thought it would be easy. Instead she was confronted by rugged rancher Jace Brimley, the toddler’s guardian, who awakened desires within her she just couldn’t resist.

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