On Pins and Needles

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Содержание книги - On Pins and Needles Victoria Pade

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OF ALL THE NERVE!Why, Josh Brimley not only expressed doubt about Megan Bailey's medical abilities…but the handsome sheriff actually accused her family of having buried a skeleton in the backyard–eighteen years ago! Megan knew she'd have her work cut out for her, convincing the townsfolk of Elk Creek to buy into her nontraditional treatments, but Josh's theories–and sex appeal–threw an unexpected wrench into things.Skeptical Sheriff Josh Brimley found it tough enough to seek treatment from beautiful Megan before he knew her relatives were the prime suspects in a years-old murder. Afterward, he found it downright impossible–because he believed only in things he could get his hands on. Although his hands sure seemed to be moving more in Megan's direction….

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