Sunsets & Seduction: Mine Until Morning / Just for the Night / Kept in the Dark

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Содержание книги - Sunsets & Seduction: Mine Until Morning / Just for the Night / Kept in the Dark Tawny Weber, Samantha Hunter, HEATHER MACALLISTER

Sunsets & Seduction: Mine Until Morning / Just for the Night / Kept in the Dark - описание и краткое содержание, автор Tawny Weber, Samantha Hunter, HEATHER MACALLISTER, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

What happens when the lights go out on a hot, sultry summer night? To Jonas Berringer, bodyguard, Tessa Rose is intoxicating forbidden fruit. She has an intimate knowledge of aphrodisiac scents and, alone in the darkness of a power cut, they indulge all their other senses… Larissa can’t help herself when it comes to her hot ex-fiancé Jason Cantrell. Trapped together in a shop full of sexual and romantic props, would it be incredible sex with her ex?Kaia Bennet had trusted dishy undercover cop, Blake McCauley – who’d arrested her! Now, when the lights go out, the feisty cat burglar has a chance to satisfy her hunger for revenge or her hunger for Blake. No lights. No cooling down. No holding back!

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