It Should Happen To You

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - It Should Happen To You Kathleen O'Reilly

It Should Happen To You - описание и краткое содержание, автор Kathleen O'Reilly, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Mickey Coleman has a whiz-kid IQ, a stellar job in astronomy and ambition to boot. So how can she slip up? When a sexy one-night fling results in a homemade videotape, Mickey is feeling a new kind of heat…she's being blackmailed! And there's no one to turn to for help. Unless you count Dominic Colucci, a coffee-swilling gangster she hires to steal the tape, who's definitely got her pulse racing!Dominic Colucci can't figure out how flashy «Foxy Smith» could weasel into his life so fast. All he knows is that's not her real name. But Dominic has his own secret identity to worry about and can't afford to get involved with the sexy siren. So why isn't he ignoring the stars in Foxy's eyes…or the promise in her kiss? Well, 'cause it has happened for them!

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