Once Upon A Mattress

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Содержание книги - Once Upon A Mattress Kathleen O'Reilly

Once Upon A Mattress - описание и краткое содержание, автор Kathleen O'Reilly, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

If there's one thing Hilary Sinclair knows, it's how to make a bed. Well, okay, a mattress.As an executive at MacAllister Beds, she's new to the company, but she can manufacture with the best of them. Besides, it's a fresh start in a fresh city. The last thing she needs is trouble, and when her Victorian fixer-upper is anything but, she camps out at the factory looking for a dry place to crash. Trouble strikes, though, when she winds up with a strange bedfellow!Ben MacAllister has rushed back to Dallas to help at the family's mattress company. But he can't believe the bed he makes for himself once he gets there! To start with, he can't figure out Hilary Sinclair–she's as uptight and as sexy as they come. Hilary has made it clear that she's not interested. Fine with him–he doesn't want to get distracted now. As director of security, Ben has to find out who's been sleeping in the test center–he figures the best way is to sleep there himself!

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