Bachelor No More

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Содержание книги - Bachelor No More Victoria Pade

Bachelor No More - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Pade, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Home was the last place he wanted to be… Only the direst emergency could bring successful city shark Jared Perry back to the small town he’d left at eighteen. But he needed to help a family member in trouble. And he never expected to find a reason – lovely Mara Pratt – for staying… Mara had been burned by love before and wasn’t about to risk her heart to a big-city corporate raider. Especially one who’d been ready to leave the moment his smart suit had picked up some country dust.Still, something about Jared made Mara willing to fight for a chance to be together. She’d start by showing him what coming home really meant.NORTHBRIDGE NUPTIALS Where a walk down the aisle is never far behind.

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