Texas Cinderella / The Texas CEO's Secret: Texas Cinderella / The Texas CEO's Secret

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Содержание книги - Texas Cinderella / The Texas CEO's Secret: Texas Cinderella / The Texas CEO's Secret Victoria Pade, Nicole Foster

Texas Cinderella / The Texas CEO's Secret: Texas Cinderella / The Texas CEO's Secret - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Pade, Nicole Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Texas CinderellaTate McCord was stunned – his housekeeper’s daughter had grown up into a knockout. But Tanya was also a journalist determined to uncover all his family secrets. There was one secret Tate couldn’t keep to himself: his growing love for this sassy, grounded woman…The Texas CEO’s SecretKaterina Whitcomb-Salgar loathed arrogant, buttoned-up billionaire Blake McCord. Until one moonlit kiss changed everything! Blake couldn’t afford any distractions with the survival of his family’s business empire at stake. Yet if anyone could get him to forsake business for pleasure, it was Katie. And jetting off to the Mediterranean was just the beginning…

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