Rancher and Protector

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Содержание книги - Rancher and Protector Pamela Britton

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The Man In The Black Stetson Amber Brooks took the job at Camp Cowboy to find a way to reach her special-needs nephew—not to go gaga over the best-looking guy she’s ever laid eyes on. True, Colt Sheridan can teach her a thing or two about horses, but Amber knows better than to trust anyone with her secret. And yet…just what is it about cowboys?Going undercover at the camp is Colt’s way of finding out where “Aunt Amber” has hidden his buddy’s little boy. In exchange, his friend’s promised him a prize-winning horse. And what this rodeo rider really wants is a shot at the national championship.Unfortunately, what he’s got is a crush on the softhearted equine intern. But if Amber is such a good person, how can she keep a man from his own son?

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