Her Final Fling

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Содержание книги - Her Final Fling Joanne Rock

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The last thing Christine Chandler expects when she takes this job is to be distracted by jet-setting Vito Cesare. She should be focused on the landscaping that could make her company a success.Instead, her gaze constantly strays to Vito's hot bod. And by the sizzling looks he sends her way, he's thinking the exact same thing. Can she give in to this particular temptation and walk away unscathed?Spending time with Christine is doing crazy things to Vito's libido. Yet every time he makes a seductive move, she slips away… until he proposes a fling. No hassle, no strings, just a lot of adult fun. But after just a few steamy kisses, he's breaking those rules and feeling much more than heat for her. Looks as if he has to convince her that this will be her final fling!

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