Northern Encounter

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Содержание книги - Northern Encounter JENNIFER LABRECQUE

Northern Encounter - описание и краткое содержание, автор JENNIFER LABRECQUE, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Welcome to Alaska. A beautiful, harsh wilderness where the men are strong…and the women have to be stronger…Native guide Clint Sisnuket is one of the hottest guys in Alaska! Yet he’s managed to keep a close watch over his battered heart. . . until he meets Tessa Bellingham. In the independent filmmaker, Clint finds the sexual soul mate he’d been dreaming of. Too bad she’s got temporary fling written all over her. Tessa’s in town to film native culture. . . but she can’t seem to turn her camera lens away from Clint.The strong, silent, sexy man can make her tremble with a single smouldering glance. And, oh, what he can do when he actually touches her! Still, even though she feels at home in his arms, she doesn’t fit into his world. And they can’t stay in bed indefinitely…

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