Kiss & Makeup

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Содержание книги - Kiss & Makeup Alison Kent

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Bartender Shandi Fossey is mixing cool cocktails temporarily at Hush–the hottest hotel in Manhattan. The place practically oozes sex…has sexual fantasy written all over it. For Shandi, it's a stopover on her way to finding her dreams. And a very long way from pulling beers at the Thirsty Rattler in tiny Round-Up, Oklahoma. So what's a girl to do when sexy Quentin Marks comes by every night offering to buy her a drink?To music producer Quentin, Shandi is one part sweetness and two parts sass with a dash of the unexpected thrown in. He wants to taste every inch of her…bury himself in her soft skin. He can open a lot of doors for Shandi, yet the only door he wants to lead her through is right upstairs…at Hush.But will everything change the morning after…?

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