Date with a Diva

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Lainie Reynolds's long-ignored libido has picked a fine time to wake up. Just when she's got her hands full at her sexy singles resort, Nico Cesare is in her face. The sexy man definitely is to blame for her out-of-control hormones. Since he won't be ignored, she'll simply have to tackle him in the sheets and get him out of her system.The first time he lays eyes on South Beach's infamous diva, Nico suspects there's a sensual goddess lurking beneath Lainie's do-not-touch exterior. And he has to have her. She's agreed to a sultry affair, but has made it clear that she's too independent for anything more. But Nico's already in deep, and a series of suspicious incidents at the resort gives him the perfect opportunity to be with her day and night. What better way to show her that this kind of heat lasts for a long time?

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