Better Than Chocolate...

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Содержание книги - Better Than Chocolate... JENNIFER LABRECQUE

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The sexiest man Cricket Wilde never forgot, Tucker Manning, is now an assistant principal…and her boss! One look at him and this science teacher is dying to test if that long-ago chemistry is still there. But he's gone from Mr. Sizzling to Mr. Strictly-By- The-Book. There's nothing that Cricket likes more than bending the rules, and Tucker's cool facade makes her determined to melt the ice. And after a few stolen kisses, it looks as if his inner hottie is making a comeback.If his little secret gets out, everything Tucker has worked so hard for will come crashing down…including his career plans. Too bad there's no way that he can resist Cricket's wild sexiness. Once they hit the sheets, he's tossing caution to the wind just to be with her. So when word of their private affair leaks out, will Tucker reveal the one thing that will keep them together in bedded bliss?

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