Sex & The Single Girl

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Содержание книги - Sex & The Single Girl Joanne Rock

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Brianne Wolcott is back in town as co-owner of the hottest singles resort to hit South Beach. And her past is here to greet her in the form of Aidan Maddock. A lifetime ago she had a schoolgirl crush on the sexy FBI agent. But she is so over him now…or is she? The way her pulse reacts when he's around suggests that she still has a thing for Aidan. Well, fine. She'll have her one night with him and that's that. Too bad her libido insists that one night is not enough.Aidan used up all his resistance to Brianne when he sent her away years ago. No surprise, then, that the sight of a very grown-up Brianne makes him forget all the reasons he refused…especially when she offers to act out the fantasies she'd once whispered in his ear. But she's in for a surprise. Because once they hit the sheets, he's not walking away…ever!

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