One Naughty Night

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Содержание книги - One Naughty Night Joanne Rock

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The sweet, innocent blonde on the dance floor is way out of her league in this hot singles club. And the minute Renzo Cesare recognizes that, his protective instincts step up to the plate while he tries to rescue her.If that means pretending to be Esme Giles's blind date, well, so be it. But before he can escort her to safety, she starts whispering some not so innocent suggestions in his ear. How is a guy supposed to be noble when all he can think about is hitting the sheets?Esme Giles is turning over a new leaf–starting with a seduction. Sure, it's a bold move, but one look at her sexy date and she'll do almost anything to convince this hottie to spend a sizzling night with her. Too bad he's the wrong man! But Renzo's red-hot kisses convince her that she's found the right man…for more than just a night!

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