Learning Curves

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Содержание книги - Learning Curves Joanne Rock

Learning Curves - описание и краткое содержание, автор Joanne Rock, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

THE STUDENT IS READY…Graduate student Madeline Watson can't believe the university rejected her human-mating-rituals study, hinting a good girl like her can't handle the racy subject. Okay, so maybe she has a few gaps in her mating knowledge. But she's changing that by propositioning campus bad boy Cal Turner. With his expert instruction, she'll learn the finer points of desire…and how much fun it is being bad.BUT IS THE TEACHER?Mechanic-turned-teacher Cal has to shake a reputation that's been a lifetime in the making. Which means he can't risk a public fling with Maddy…and he can't refuse her oh-so-tempting offer. But he could give her private lessons–just the two of them–studying the art of seduction. Until their passionate sessions overheat the classroom and Cal's left wondering who really is the teacher.

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