Hers for the Holidays

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Hers for the Holidays Samantha Hunter

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The Berringer Bodyguards File #2Name: Ely Berringer Trademarks: Clean-cut former marine who's all muscle…and all hotness! Biggest weakness: This good boy likes a bad, bad girl….Bodyguard Ely Berringer's job was simple: find the missing woman. But there's nothing simple about smokin'-hot tattoo artist Lydia Hamilton…or the fact that they once shared a wickedly sexy night together. And once he finds her in Montana, he realizes that one night with Lydia was definitely not enough!Lydia's been trying to sort out the sale of her childhood home and ranch. But lately there's been a rash of nasty incidents–break-ins, damaged property…just enough to convince Ely that he needs to stick around. And if that means some no-strings-attached naughty nights? Well, he's all hers…even if it is only for the holidays!

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