Really Hot!

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Содержание книги - Really Hot! JENNIFER LABRECQUE

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Rourke O'Malley can think of worse things than spending a few weeks surrounded by beautiful women–rich beautiful women, at that. After all, he's reality TV's newest bachelor, and he's going to enjoy it.Besides, how hard can it be? All he has to do is pick the beauty he likes best. He never guesses that the woman he'll want is the one he can't have.…Associate producer Portia Tomlinson has spent her Hollywood career turning down pretty boys with great bodies, and Rourke is no different. Or is he? There's something about the sexy investment banker that really pushes her buttons. She knows that getting involved with a contestant would be professional suicide, but still, Portia is tempted to play with fire. Because getting burned might be exactly what she needs.…

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