A Regular Joe: A Regular Joe / Mr. Right Under Her Nose

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Содержание книги - A Regular Joe: A Regular Joe / Mr. Right Under Her Nose Carol Finch, Jennifer Drew

A Regular Joe: A Regular Joe / Mr. Right Under Her Nose - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carol Finch, Jennifer Drew, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

A Regular Joe by Carol Finch Mr. Ordinary, he's not!CEO Daniel Grayson wanted to escape his frustrating corporate world. So he assumed a fake identity to go mingle with the masses. When store manager Mattie Roland hired Joe Gray, he seemed a godsend. And, against company policy, she was soon shamelessly exchanging kisses with her handsome new hire. Until the day she found out that he was no regular Joe….Mr. Right Under Her Nose by Jennifer Drew Reconfiguring Mr. WrongOne minute, Kim Grant was stuffing spilled lingerie into her busted suitcase. The next, her fingers connected with steel–under silk–as white knight Rick Taylor helped her to save face. Her rescuer was sexy, intelligent…and stood between her and the sole rental car she needed to get home. So, before long, Kim found herself on a crosscountry adventure with a man who had all the makings of Mr. Right–except that he was dead-set against marriage….

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