Her Cowboy Lawman

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Содержание книги - Her Cowboy Lawman Pamela Britton

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Not His First RodeoSheriff Brennan Connelly knows he should avoid anything that could hint at scandal while he’s running for reelection, such as falling for a gorgeous young widow. But despite the age difference and the political risks, Bren and Lauren Danners share a remarkable connection. And as he coaches her young son in the rodeo, the former Green Beret is drawn ever closer to her.Lauren Danners may be young, but she's long past the age of swooning over devastatingly handsome men. And Bren Connelly may be handsome, but Lauren has had her fill of men in dangerous jobs. To protect her son—and her heart—she tries to keep Bren at arm’s length. But whenever she’s around him, all she wants is to be in his arms!

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