Claiming His Princess: Duty at What Cost? / A Throne for the Taking / Princess in the Iron Mask

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Содержание книги - Claiming His Princess: Duty at What Cost? / A Throne for the Taking / Princess in the Iron Mask Kate Walker, Victoria Parker, Michelle Conder

Claiming His Princess: Duty at What Cost? / A Throne for the Taking / Princess in the Iron Mask - описание и краткое содержание, автор Kate Walker, Victoria Parker, Michelle Conder, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Duty at What Cost?To protect Princess Ava de Veers, James Wolfe must keep his mind on the job. Having shared one passionate night, Wolfe knows exactly how wilful, independent – and sexy – she is. But he will separate his feelings for Ava from the task at hand.Wolfe is the most daring man Ava has ever met and he drives her crazy! Yet as the threat to her life escalates, he’s the only man she can trust and the only place she feels safe is in his arms. But, as royalty, Ava knows that duty always comes at a cost…A Throne for the TakingA kingdom’s safetyBetrayed by those she loves, Honoria Escalona must now face the only man capable of bringing stability to the Mediterranean kingdom of Mecjoria. A cold, hard man who once called her his friend…Alexia Sarova – the true King of Mecjoria.In exchange for her happinessBut Alexei’s tortuous past has changed him into someone she hardly knows. He blames Ria's family for his bitterness and his help, when he offers it, comesPrincess in the Iron MaskA Princess in hidingDispatched by the King to retrieve his head-strong errant daughter, Lucas Garcia thought this was just another day at the office. That’s before he meets Princess Claudine Verbault, who’s adamant that returning to the kingdom that banished her as a child is never going to happen.A barely concealed attraction!Hidden from the spotlight, the now independent Claudine has learnt the art of being the anti-perfect princess. But Lucas does not look like the kind of man to accept insubordination! If only she could bargain with this frustratingly immovable man…and give him something to distract him from his duty!

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