Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart

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Содержание книги - Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart Nikki Gemmell

Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart - описание и краткое содержание, автор Nikki Gemmell, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

(This edition does not include illustrations.)An intimate celebration of women and friendship from international bestselling author Nikki Gemmell.‘The Bride Stripped Bare’ exposed female desire as no other book had; raw, intoxicating and breathtakingly libidinous.‘Pleasure’ looks set to do the same with more secret women's business – dealing candidly with everything from Brazilian waxes to 'secret' underwear, from coping with broken hearts to what makes a perfect partner (a checklist to cut out and keep), from advice on the friends who flatten you (frenemies) to the importance of empathy.Both bold and intimate, ‘Pleasure’ is a book Nikki Gemmell says she looked for as a gift for a cherished friend – and never found. So she decided to write it herself.Encased in a stunning design package with beautiful feminine illustrations, this is a book every woman will want to share with her best friend, aunt, sister or fairy godmother.

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