An Orphan's Dream

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Год издания: 2021
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Содержание книги - An Orphan's Dream Sharp Cathy

An Orphan's Dream - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sharp Cathy, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The compelling new book from the author of The Girl in the Ragged Shawl and The Orphans of Halfpenny Street
Danny gets a terrible start in life and runs away from his drunken father when he thrashes him to within an inch of his life. But life on the streets is no better and he falls into the clutches of evil men, finding that being big and strong for his age is no protection from the people who want to do him harm.
Help comes in the form of Constable Jones, who is determined to help out the children who need it, and new friends Ron and Cassie, who are also runaways. Can Danny’s dream of a loving home ever be a reality?

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