A Part of Me and You: An empowering and incredibly moving novel that will make you laugh and cry

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Содержание книги - A Part of Me and You: An empowering and incredibly moving novel that will make you laugh and cry Emma Heatherington

A Part of Me and You: An empowering and incredibly moving novel that will make you laugh and cry - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emma Heatherington, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

You will love this moving and powerful novel from bestselling author Emma Heatherington. A must read for fans of Jojo Moyes.You always think you have more time…Juliette always thought she’d have more time. But as her fortieth birthday approaches she is dealt the deadliest of blows – she has just weeks to live. As the terrible news sinks in, Juliette’s only concern is for her fifteen-year-old daughter, Rosie. Who will take care of her precious child? Who will love her daughter with the same fierce love? The answer lies in a secret Juliette hoped never to reveal…Devastated at the loss of her own baby daughter, Shelley is barely managing to survive. Consumed by her grief, she has pushed everyone away – including the man who loves her the most. With her once happy marriage now in tatters, Shelley has nothing left to live for.But as the lives of these two women collide, could Juliette’s secret be the key to solving Shelley’s heartache? And could Juliette’s death give Shelley one final chance to live again…What readers are loving about A Part of Me and You:‘One of THE most emotional books I have EVER read’ Angela Mellor, Netgalley‘Heartbreaking…up there with Me Before You’ Tina Wakelin, Netgalley‘Written from the heart, genuine emotion shining out from every page’ Audrey Cowie, Netgalley‘An amazingly poignant story…the reader is left with tear filled eyes but a strong belief that love will prevail’ Jane Hunt Writer Book Reviews

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