The Legacy of Lucy Harte: A poignant, life-affirming novel that will make you laugh and cry

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Содержание книги - The Legacy of Lucy Harte: A poignant, life-affirming novel that will make you laugh and cry Emma Heatherington

The Legacy of Lucy Harte: A poignant, life-affirming novel that will make you laugh and cry - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emma Heatherington, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

This beautiful, heartbreaking novel is a must read for fans of bestselling authors Jojo Moyes, Kelly Rimmer and SD Robertson.‘Sometimes time is all we have with the people we love. I ask you to slow down in life. To take your time, but don’t waste it….’Maggie O'Hara knows better than most that life can change in a heartbeat. Eighteen years ago she was given the most precious gift- a second-hand heart, and a second chance at life.Always thankful, Maggie has never forgotten Lucy Harte – the little girl who saved her life. But as Maggie's own life begins to fall apart, and her heart is broken in love, she loses sight of everything she has to live for…Until an unexpected letter changes Maggie’s life.It seems Lucy's final gift to Maggie is much more than the heart that beats inside her. It's a legacy that Maggie must learn to live by, a promise to live, laugh, fall in love and heal her broken heart for good.Because as the keeper of a borrowed heart, Maggie's time is more precious than most. She must make every cherished second count…Praise for The Legacy of Lucy Harte:‘An inspiring read…beautifully written, Emma Heatherington keeps you guessing on each turn of the page’ Irish News‘A wonderfully compelling read, beautifully written and a most heart-warming story’ Upstairs Downstairs

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