A Miracle on Hope Street: The most heartwarming Christmas romance of 2018!

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Содержание книги - A Miracle on Hope Street: The most heartwarming Christmas romance of 2018! Emma Heatherington

A Miracle on Hope Street: The most heartwarming Christmas romance of 2018! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emma Heatherington, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Remember the true meaning of Christmas with this heartfelt and beautiful novel from bestselling author Emma Heatherington.Can a single act of kindness change a life forever?To many people, Ruth Ryans has everything: the perfect job, a beautiful home and a loving family. But as Christmas approaches, Ruth feels lonelier than ever.Then Ruth meets Michael. A man who she showed kindness to during his darkest moment. That one single act, his miracle, helped change his life forever.Ruth decides to make this Christmas the most perfect one ever, opening up her home to those who need her help – the lonely, the lost and the ignored.Actions speak louder than words and Ruth Ryans’ kindness will create little miracles for everyone … including her own battered heart. Readers love this magical book:‘This heartwarming and emotional story highlights the magic of reaching out to those who otherwise would be alone’ Stacy is Reading‘I utterly adore this book…one of the most inspirational stories I've read’ Kate‘A warm read that will make you think and smile’ Kathleen

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