Never Surrender

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Содержание книги - Never Surrender Michael Dobbs

Never Surrender - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michael Dobbs, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Winston Churchill embarks on a battle of wills with Adolf Hitler in the run-up to Dunkirk. The compelling new historical novel from the acclaimed author of Winston’s War.Winston Churchill at his lowest ebb – pitted in personal confrontation with Adolf Hitler, and with ghosts from his tormented past.Friday 10 May 1940. Hitler launches a devastating attack that within days will overrun France, Holland and Belgium, and bring Britain to its knees at Dunkirk. It is also the day Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister. He is the one man capable of standing in Hitler's way – yet Churchill is still deeply mistrusted within his own Cabinet and haunted by the memory of his tortured father.Never Surrender is a novel about the courage and defiance that were displayed in abundance – not just by Churchill, but by ordinary men and women over three of the most momentous weeks in British history.

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