Winston’s War

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Содержание книги - Winston’s War Michael Dobbs

Winston’s War - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michael Dobbs, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

From a bestselling novelist with an unrivalled insight into the workings of power comes a compelling new novel exploring Winston Churchill’s remarkable journey from the wilderness to No 10 Downing Street at the beginning of World War II.Saturday 1 October 1938. Two men meet. One is elderly, the other in his twenties. One will become the most revered man of his time, and the other known as the greatest of traitors.Winston Churchill met Guy Burgess at a moment when the world was about to explode. Now in is astonishing new novel, Michael Dobbs throws brilliant fresh light upon Churchill's relationship with the Soviet spy and the twenty months of conspiracy, chance and outright treachery that were to propel Churchill from outcast to messiah and change the course of history.

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