The Buddha of Brewer Street

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Содержание книги - The Buddha of Brewer Street Michael Dobbs

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Backbench MP Tom Goodfellowe is caught up in the search for the new Dalai Lama in this highly original and compelling thriller from the author of GOODFELLOWE MP and HOUSE OF CARDS – now reissued in new cover style.Tom Goodfellowe is the unlikeliest of political heroes. An MP whose career has already been consigned to the scrapheap of history, with a private life that staggers between confusion and chaos… And it’s all about to get worse.A new Dalai Lama is born. The infant god-king of Tibet. And around the child explodes an international conspiracy that will carve a trail of death from the slopes of Mount Everest right to the heart of London’s Chinatown.Goodfellowe becomes drawn into a murderous race against time and against sinister sources within his own government. On the outcome will hang the fate of one of the world’s great religions – and Goodfellowe’s turbulent personal life. Because someone, someone very close, is betraying him at every turn.

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