The De Santis Marriage

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Содержание книги - The De Santis Marriage Michelle Reid

The De Santis Marriage - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Reid, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Blackmailed and bedded for a baby!Italian tycoon Luciano De Santis is breathtaking in every way – he has dark goodlooks, a decadent jetsetting lifestyle, power and success – and a devastating effect on women. Now Luc needs a bride – and he’s demanding ordinary virgin Lizzy Hadley as his wife! He’s trapped her, blackmailed her, and he’s determined to claim her – and as Lizzy’s family owe him millions of pounds, she won’t be able to refuse.But there’s one condition of the De Santis marriage that Luc forgot to mention – when she becomes his wife, she must produce an heir!

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