Gold Ring Of Betrayal

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Содержание книги - Gold Ring Of Betrayal Michelle Reid

Gold Ring Of Betrayal - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Reid, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

They've never stopped being married…Nicolas Santino doesn't accept that Lia is his daughter. He believes Sara, his wife, cheated on him with another man, and Lia is the result of that betrayal. So Sara and Nicolas are separated – until the silence between them is forcibly broken: Lia has been kidnapped!Nicolas knows he is the only one who can secure the little girl's safe return, but it means he must go back to Sara – and find that, even after three long years, she still wears his ring …"Michelle Reid displays a fine talent for mixing a provocative storyline and intriguing characters" – Romantic Times

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