Desert Mistress

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Содержание книги - Desert Mistress HELEN BIANCHIN

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FORBIDDEN!Bargain with the devil! Kristi's journalist brother was a hostage, and only one man could help: Sheikh Shalef Al-Sayed. He had power and influence at his fingertips – but how could Kristi win his support? Shalef was way out of her league. His world of wealth and privilege was closed to Kristi… .Gate-crashing his glamorous cocktail party was the only way of grabbing his attention! But Kristi got more than she bargained for. Becoming the mistress of this enigmatic, dangerously attractive man hadn't been part of her plan, yet this was the deal and Kristi had no choice. If she wanted Shalef's help, she'd have to play the game his way, and he was clearly making – and breaking – all the rules!"Helen Bianchin mixes suspense with enthralling characters into an intense reading experience." – Romantic Times on Forgotten Husband

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