Purchased: His Perfect Wife

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Содержание книги - Purchased: His Perfect Wife HELEN BIANCHIN

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Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Wife, bought and paid for!Chef Lara needs cash fast – her business partner has duped her and her beloved restaurant is in crisis. There’s only one man who can help – Wolfe Alexander, her tall, dark, brooding stepbrother. Wolfe needs to marry to meet the terms of his late father’s will, and when beautiful Lara begs him for money he sees his opportunity: a powerful attraction has always simmered between them – he’ll help if she’ll be his convenient wife!With no choice but to accept Wolfe’s terms, Lara is soon swept into a world of high-society glamour and passion beyond her wildest dreams. But there is just one thing missing – her husband’s love…

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