Hot Nights with a Greek: The Greek's Forced Bride / Powerful Greek, Unworldly Wife / The Diakos Baby Scandal

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Содержание книги - Hot Nights with a Greek: The Greek's Forced Bride / Powerful Greek, Unworldly Wife / The Diakos Baby Scandal Michelle Reid, Sarah Morgan, Natalie Rivers

Hot Nights with a Greek: The Greek's Forced Bride / Powerful Greek, Unworldly Wife / The Diakos Baby Scandal - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Reid, Sarah Morgan, Natalie Rivers, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Hot Nights with a Gorgeous GreekThe Greek’s Forced BrideBillionaire Leo is mistakenly convinced that Natasha’s a gold-digging harlot stealing from his company, so he commands Natasha to be at his beck and call. Then Leo discovers she’s innocent – in every sense! Now she has no choice – she must become his bride!Powerful Greek, Unworldly WifeLeandro swept Millie into his glamorous world! Wrapped in his arms and draped in diamonds, she thought nothing could touch their passion. But the deepest, darkest betrayal did. Now the powerful Greek is determined to make her his again.The Diakos Baby ScandalRenegade tycoon Theo’s power was infamous and Kerry thought he could provide the protection she longed for. Until a dark scandal made her vow never to reveal her child’s true heritage. But now Theo’s discovered his secret son, he intends to reclaim his rightful family.

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