The Bull Rider's Baby Bombshell

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Содержание книги - The Bull Rider's Baby Bombshell Amanda Renee

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SURPRISE TIMES THREE!Hollywood event planner Jade Scott can handle a crisis. But when her sister disappears, leaving Jade to care for her infant triplet daughters, Jade needs help. Lots of help. Specifically from Wes Slade, the sexy and not-so-anonymous sperm donor, who also made her teen years miserable. As the egg donor, she won’t abandon her children. Their children.Wes was never supposed to be part of this family. At least he and Jade have another thing in common, busy lives outside of Saddle Ridge, Montana. He can’t wait to get back to the rodeo circuit. As they look after the triplets, Wes discovers they may have more in common than he ever expected—no idea how to imagine life without their precious babies… or each other!

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