The Touch of Innocents

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Содержание книги - The Touch of Innocents Michael Dobbs

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It is always the innocent who suffer to make the powerful rich.A gripping thriller from the author of the Goodfellowe Series.Paul Deverauxis one of the most powerful politicians in the country.Isadora Deanis the rising star of television news journalism.Two exceptionally talented, successful people brought in to dangerous conflict.Izzy cannot accept the death of her baby daughter Bella. Stubborn and at times irrational, her belief that her daughter is alive leads her to the sordid truth – an international black market where babies are sold for cash. Behind this horrific truth, Isadora detects the sinister hand of Devereux.She is just one woman against the world.The search for her daughter will cost her everything, but as long as she believes that Bella is alive she will never surrender and Paul Devereux must use every means in his power to make sure she is silenced for good.

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